
Privacy & Terms

  1. A reservation is not considered final until a deposit or valid credit card is received by WebbTrans.com unless it is pre-authorized by WebbTrans.com.
  2. Prices are guaranteed once deposit or valid credit card are received by WebbTrans.com. Prior to the receipt of either all prices are subject to change.
  3. WebbTrans.com reserves the right to substitute vehicles based on weather conditions, “Out of Service” status of requested vehicle due to accident, mechanical breakdown, insurance requirements, safety issues, or any other reason beyond the situational control of WebbTrans.com.
  4. Periodically WebbTrans.com may contract with a qualified affiliate to fulfill its responsibilities under the terms and conditions of the reservation.
  5. Payment in full is required immediately upon completion of service, unless the reservation is for a special event where prepayment is required.
  6. Checks are accepted for payment but are subject to a $50 handling fee if returned unpaid for any reason.
  7. Credit cards are subject to a 5% administrative fee if all the required information, such as billing address or security code, is not received by WebbTrans.com upon completion of services.
  8. Declined credit cards are subject to a 10% administrative fee and must be replaced by another method of payment or a valid credit card within 24 hours of notification to customer of declined status. After that a 1% per day administrative fee will be charged until payment is received or a valid credit card is provided.
  9. WebbTrans.com is not responsible for delays caused by certain situations such as unpredictable or severe weather conditions, unexpected/unknown road restrictions or closures, excessive traffic situations,  random local, state, or federal security checks, etc. that may cause delays in travel.  To the best of it’s ability, WebbTrans.com will make every effort to find alternate routes to work around these or any similar situations, but, there is no guarantee the scheduled drop-off time(s) will be met under these conditions that are beyond the control of WebbTrans.com.
  10. WebbTrans.com reserves the right to cancel services if it deems the driving conditions to be unsafe.  In the event that services are cancelled due to unsafe driving conditions the services will be rescheduled or all monies paid by customer to WebbTrans.com will be refunded to customer with no penalty.
  11. WebbTrans.com reserves the right to terminate services at any time due to customer verbal or physical abuse of driver or abuse of the vehicle, inebriation, dangerous or unsafe behavior of passengers, drug use, consumption of alcohol by underage passengers or for any other reason the driver feels it is unsafe to continue to drive. If service is terminated under these conditions the customer is responsible for payment in full and payment to clean, repair, or otherwise return the vehicle to the pre-trip condition.
  12. Unless the reservation is billed at an hourly rate, additional charges will be incurred for all unscheduled stops.
  13. Price adjustments are made for travel between 12:00 AM and 5:00 AM.
  14. Waiting time for sedan, van, & SUV reservations will be charged the current hourly rate, dividing it by 60 to get the rate per minute, and then multiplying that rate by the number of minutes waited:
    • Pick-up at locations other than airports or train stations will incur waiting time charges if the customer does not enter the vehicle within 15 minutes of scheduled Pick-up time. For example, if the scheduled time is 1:15 PM waiting time begins at 1:31 PM.
    • Pick-up at airports or train stations will incur waiting time charges 30 minutes after plane or train has arrived at the gate.  Waiting time for International arrivals at the airport will begin 60 minutes after the plane arrives the gate.
  1. WebbTrans.com reserves the right to adjust quoted prices based on excessive traffic delays.  This is based on the sole judgement of the management of WebbTrans.com.
  2. WebbTrans.com reserves the right to adjust the quoted prices based on severe weather conditions that affect the time allowed to deliver the contracted services.
  3. WebbTrans.com is a family friendly company. Therefore we pay our driver’s a holiday adjustment for certain days to offset the time they spend away from their families.  There will be a $25 adjustment for reservations booked on the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day, Thanksgiving & Christmas Day. 100% of this adjustment goes to the driver.
  4. On airport pick-ups, drivers are NOT allowed to leave the designated limo pick-up locations for each terminal where all passengers are picked-up.  Passengers MUST meet the driver in these designated locations.  Massport’s website as well as WebbTrans.com’s website has detailed instructions as to how to find these designated area.
  5. All special services such as greeting passengers inside the terminals and escorting them to the vehicle are available for an additional fee.
  6. Although quotes may includes tolls, airport fees, etc. WebbTrans.com reserves the right to pass on additional unexpected “out-of-pocket” costs when incurred.
  7. Cancellations
    • Sedan and SUV reservation cancellations will be accepted at no charge up to 3 hours before the scheduled event.  If the cancellation is less than three hours prior to the scheduled pick-up, the full fare will be charged.
    • Van, Minibus, and Limousine deposits are nonrefundable.  Balances are refundable up to 30 days prior to the scheduled date of service.
  1. All Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice.


  1. Your carrier’s standard messaging rates may apply to messages.
  2. We do not share or obtain contact information with any third parties.
  3. By subscribing to our informational messages, you consent to receive SMS messages regarding trips booked with us. This information includes, but not limited to, SMS messages regarding trip dates and times, as well as driver details for the trip you booked. These messages are not automated and you may contact us through SMS.
  4. You may opt-in at any time by messaging us directly. To stop informational SMS messages, reply STOP.
  5. You represent that you are the owner or authorized user of the device you registered to opt-in to the informational messages, and you are authorized to approve any possible applicable charges from your network carrier.
  6. Data obtained from you through SMS may include your cell phone number, date/time and contents of your messages and other information you may provide. We use this information to contact you and provide the services you request from us.